The Lockdown Diaries #5 - Practicing Beauty Looks

The Lockdown Diaries #5

So how is Lockdown going for everybody?!

After trying Tik Tok and sorting out all those dance moves, we have gone from joggers and chill out clothes, to wanting to freshen up and get that self-care routine going so that we can hopefully soon head to the outside world again and you know, see people face to face ... and not through a zoom call lens... 

Here Ayenda takes us through her self-care routine and tries out some looks for when she is back at Marble Arc and ready to help you all in picking those wedding outfits out for your summer/autumn events!

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Let's hope its not too long until life gets back to 'normal', if not we may fear the worst for Ayenda ......


Hope you are all keeping safe and well, Laugh & Share as usual! 
#MarbleArcSupportsLockdown #StaySafe #StayHome 

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